Great photos, Because at the end of the day
Everyone goes home with the best dog
no great dane in history has ever fit in.
This may explain why I was drawn to Danes as a breed, and as a name for my business.
I’ve always floated on the edge of friend groups, never really in the spotlight. I think that’s why I gravitate toward photography using a long lens, whether that’s next to an agility ring or outside tracking birds through the sky. It just feels right to observe from a bit of a distance.
I believe everyone deserves to feel seen, safe and like they belong – no matter who they are, where they come from or what their abilities are.
This is why my team and I are so dedicated to doing our very best for every dog, not just the ones that win ribbons.
For every dog.
Being around a bunch of people and dogs in their element, is just the best. We love dog sports because it allows us all to connect, be ourselves and play.
REALNESS. Connection. performance & PLAY.
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